General notes
Interactive notebooks
RunKit notebooks
Beaker notebooks
Jupyter notebooks
Notes on the history and theory of programming languages, software development, and related topics
Historical topics
Adams and Gill, Digital Computers: Business Applications — Notes from a Special Summer Program (1954)
Adams and Laning, "The MIT Systems of Automatic Coding: Comprehensive, Summer Session, and Algebraic" (1954)
Backus and Herrick, "IBM 701 Speedcoding and Other Automatic-Programming Systems" (1954)
Bemer, "Print 1 — An Automatic Coding System for the IBM 705" (1957)
Brown and Carr, "Automatic Programming and Its Development on the MIDAC" (1954)
Bryant and O'Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective (2003)
Colburn, Philosophy and Computer Science (2000)
Flusser, Does Writing Have a Future? (2011; Die Schrift: hat Schreiben Zukunft?, 1987)
Gill, "General Discussion at End of Thursday Afternoon Session" (1954)
Goldfinger, "New York University Compiler System" (1954)
Gorn, "Introductory speech — Rapport général" (1960)
Gorn, "Planning Universal Semi-Automatic Coding" (1954)
Hoare, "An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming" (1969)
Hoare, "Mathematics of Programming" (1986)
Holt, "General Purpose Programming Systems" (1958)
Hopper, "Automatic Programming — Definitions" (1954)
Hopper, "The Interlude 1954-1956" (1956)
Hopper, "Keynote Address" for HOPL I (1978)
Isaac, "Machine Aids to Coding" (1952)
Kahrimanian, "Analytical Differentiation by a Digital Computer" (1954)
Katz, "Systems of Debugging Automatic Coding" (1957)
Kinzler and Moskowitz, "The Procedure Translator — A System of Automatic Programming" (1957)
Knuth, "Algorithms, Programs, and Computer Science" (1966)
Knuth, "The Early Development of Programming Languages" (1977/2003)
Knuth, "Preface" to Literate Programming (1992)
McGee, "Omnicode — A Common Language Programming System" (1954)
Moser, "Compiler Method of Automatic Programming" (1954)
Nofre et al., "When Technology Became Language: The Origins of the Linguistic Conception of Computer Programming, 1950–1960" (2014)
Petersen, "Automatic Coding at G.E." (1957)
Pflüger, "Language in Computing" (2002)
Priestley, A Science of Operations: Machines, Logic and the Invention of Programming (2010)
Rochester, "Symbolic Programming" (1953)
Sammet, Programming Languages: History and Fundamentals (1969)
Scott, Programming Language Pragmatics (2009)
Serrell, "On a Property of Natural Language and Its Use for the Design of Improved Machine Languages (Associative Machine Languages)" (1956)
Wegstein, "Automatic Coding Principles" (1956)