Return true if character is a vowel in US English.
Given a string representation of a character c
in the US-ASCII
character set, return true if c
is a vowel in written United
States English.
"" ⟹ false
"b" ⟹ false
"a" ⟹ true
Compiled as Cobol 2002 by cobc
(GNU Cobol) 1.1.0.
program-id. is_vowel_asc_eng is initial.
data division.
working-storage section.
01 n pic 9 value 0.
01 VOWEL_ASC_ENG pic x(10) value 'aeiouAEIOU'.
linkage section.
01 chr pic x.
01 result pic x.
procedure division using chr, result.
move 'f' to result.
inspect VOWEL_ASC_ENG tallying n for all chr.
if n > 0 move 't' to result.
end program is_vowel_asc_eng.