


Swap the top two stack items. ( n1 n2 -- n2 n1 )

1 2 swap 1 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw


Duplicate the top stack item. ( n -- n n )

clearstack 1 dup + 2 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw


Copy the second item on the stack to its top. ( n1 n2 -- n1 n2 n1 )

clearstack 1 2 over 1 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw


Rotate the third item on the stack to its top. ( n1 n2 n3 -- n2 n3 n1 )

clearstack 1 2 3 rot 1 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw


Drop the top item. ( n -- )

clearstack 1 2 drop 1 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw

Double-cell stack operators


Reverse the top two pairs of numbers. ( d1 d2 -- d2 d1 )

clearstack 1 2 3 4 2swap + 3 = . + 7 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw


Duplicate the top pair of numbers. ( d -- d d )

clearstack 1 2 2dup + 3 = . + 3 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw


Duplicate the second pair of numbers. ( d1 d2 -- d1 d2 d1 )

clearstack 1 2 3 4 2over + 3 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw


Discards the top pair of numbers. ( d1 d2 -- d1 )

clearstack 1 2 3 4 2drop + 3 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw

Execute this file

$ codedown forth < | grep . | gforth
Gforth 0.7.3, Copyright (C) 1995-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Gforth comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `license'
Type `bye' to exit
1 2 swap 1 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw  ok
clearstack 1 dup + 2 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw  ok
clearstack 1 2 over 1 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw  ok
clearstack 1 2 3 rot 1 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw  ok
clearstack 1 2 drop 1 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw  ok
clearstack 1 2 3 4 2swap + 3 = . + 7 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw -1  ok
clearstack 1 2 2dup + 3 = . + 3 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw -1  ok
clearstack 1 2 3 4 2over + 3 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw  ok
clearstack 1 2 3 4 2drop + 3 = 0= s" test failed " exception and throw  ok