
  1. Each week, some contribution to a collectively authored outline of the major reading(s) for that week (we’ll probably use a Google Doc, for the least painful concurrent editing experience, and link to it from a Canvas discussion forum post). If the outline is still embryonic at the point when you make your own contribution to it, aim to add to it a single major item that has three directly attached dependent subitems; if it’s already well-developed by the time you get there, feel free to add only subitems to existing major items.

  2. Each week, a short (minimum 250 words, maximum 1000) post on some item of related material that you’ve uncovered on your own (we’ll use Canvas discussion forums for this). You’ll also share a few minutes’ worth of a verbal version of this at the end of that week’s session. See Format for more details.

  3. A final essay of journal article length. You’ll present a preliminary draft as a short conference paper during our final session.